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Exit Survey
Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over 2 years ago

The most common usage of Exit Surveys is definitely as a means to conduct and facilitate the Exit Employee Interview as a part of a company's ESI initiative. However, exit surveys are also important for subscription-based service providers.

The exit survey aims to learn the reason of canceling and build upon this feedback. With Feedback tags, in Retently, you can group the various motives into broader categories and adjust the product roadmap accordingly.

There are a few ways to install this survey and what type of survey campaign it should be.

In-app survey campaign

An in-app campaign will be ideal if you have a separate unsubscription/cancelation confirmation page. This small pop-up allows you to non-invasively ask your customers the reason for their churn while being absolutely non-intrusive.

Transactional email campaign

If you are tracking your churned customers in your CRM, then it will be ideal for surveying them through a transactional email campaign. While it is a bit more intrusive than an in-app survey, it also allows your customers to take more time to answer or answer at their own pace when they have the time to do so.

An embedded survey by link

Another elegant solution is to embed a link survey into the confirmation page. Your customers can just click on the score and proceed with the following questions in a separate browser tab. The link survey's main advantage is its ease of setting up and distributing, compared to the other survey types.

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