Feedback attributes page
Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over a week ago

The "Feedback attributes" page is split into two categories:

Feedback topics section

In this section, you will see a list of all your current topics in your account.

It's important to mention that the topics' appearance might differ from what you're familiar with seeing in the response widget.

  • A topic applied to a survey response is always accompanied by a sentiment icon (positive, neutral, negative). And based on the applied sentiment, the topic's color can be green (positive), light blue (neutral), or red (negative).

  • On the Feedback topics page, each topic is shown without the sentiment icon and in a neutral light blue color.

Next to each topic, you will also see the number of survey responses it was applied to, and finally, you will have the option to edit or delete the topic.

Manage feedback topics

You can access the topics management menu by selecting one or more topics and clicking the drop-down menu from the top-right "Create" button.

  • Merge topics: This option allows you to merge multiple topics into an existing one.

  • Convert to tags: When needed, you can convert selected topics to feedback tags, removing the topics from the applied responses and replacing them with the new feedback tags.

  • Delete topics: You can delete one or more topics and unassign them from your survey responses.


If you have Trends or Filters based on Topics, make sure that any change you make, such as merging or editing the name of a Topic, is accurately reflected in those.

Read here how to edit your Trends and Filters.

Feedback tags section

In this section, you will see a list of all your current feedback tags in your account, and next to them, you will see how many survey responses contain each tag.

Manage feedback tags

You can create a new tag by clicking the "Create tag" button from the top-right corner of your page. When creating a new tag, you can also change its color so that it's easier to identify it later when viewing your survey responses.

You can also access the tags management menu by selecting one or more topics and clicking the drop-down menu from the top-right "Create" button.

  • Merge tags: This option allows you to merge multiple tags into a new one.

  • Delete tags: You can delete one or more tags and unassign them from your survey responses.

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