Analytics page

Get to know how to use the Analytics page and its features.

Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over a week ago

The Analytics page has two powerful tools for analyzing customer feedback:

  • Topic Sentiment Analysis

  • Feedback Word Cloud

Topics Sentiment Analysis

This widget will display how many topics with positive, neutral, or negative sentiment have been assigned to survey responses during the past year. This will give you a better general understanding of how your respondents feel toward your business or product.

Feedback Word Cloud

The Feedback Word Cloud is a visual representation of keywords and phrases based on their frequency in Main open-ended text comments.

This can help you identify the most used keywords by respondents. For example, you can see what are the main areas you should work on to convert unsatisfied respondents into satisfied ones.

Another feature is displaying how often the keyword was used in a survey scoring category. You hover the mouse cursor on top of the word you are interested in:

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