Intercom survey template customization
Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over a week ago

Compared to other Retently survey templates (email or link), the Intercom survey template customization is quite simple due to the technical limitations imposed by Intercom's widget builder. Basically, you can only edit texts and apply minor font styling, which we will cover in this article.

Question variations

Before we go any further, it's important to know that aside from the "Main rating" question, all the other questions in the template, and also the "Thank You" message, have multiple variations of them: Promoters, Passives, Detractors.

Depending on what a person answers on the "Main rating" question, the rest of the template will be displayed to them in a specific version.

For example, if a person leaves a bad rating on the "Main rating" question, then they will see only the Detractors versions of the other questions and thank you page.

This is why it's important to review and adjust each version of a question, to ensure that you're asking relevant questions based on your respondents' answers to the "Main rating" question.

You will be able to switch between versions by accessing a specific question from the sidebar, and underneath it, you will see a list of versions available.

To view or adjust a specific version of a question, just click on the version name and it will be displayed in the viewer on the right.

Text block customization

Basically on each page of the survey template, there is at least one text box that you can adjust. Every element that is surrounded by a dashed line, is a block where you can edit any text encased in it. Here's an example:

NOTE: It's also important to keep in mind that there are also elements that serve a specific purpose, but still allow you to edit their text. For example, the "Submit" button on the "Main open-ended" question page:

In order to edit a text box, you will need to click on it, which will give you the possibility to fully edit the text, but you will also see a list with text styling options appear at the top of the text field:

The text styling options are:

  • Text wight option (bold or regular)

  • Text alignment (left, center, right)

Also, as a rule, text blocks do not support the option to embed links into words.

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