Manage survey questions
Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: Currently, the multiple questions feature is available only in email and link survey templates.

Survey templates come with a default set of questions, usually* only two:

  • The "Main rating" question, that categorizes your survey respondents into satisfied, neutral, or unsatisfied, and the answer to this question is the one that participates in generating the scores displayed on the Dashboard, or Trends page.

  • The "Main open-ended" question, which is optional, and gives respondents a chance to explain why did they choose a particular rating on the "Main rating" question.

* The Product-Market Fit (PMF) survey is an exception, as it includes four questions by default (one rating and three open-ended).

After answering the survey questions, the survey respondent will eventually see a "Thank You" page, or, if they opt out of receiving surveys, will be redirected to the "Unsubscribe" page.

However, if needed, you can add additional questions in between the "Main rating" and the "Main open-ended" questions.

NOTE: You can add up to 50 additional questions.

In this article, we will cover how you can add more questions, discuss their types, and also how to remove them when needed.

Add additional survey questions

To add a new question to the template, you will need to make sure that you're in the template editor mode first, then go to the "Survey questions" section.

In the left sidebar, find the "Questions" section, and underneath the last question you should see two options:

  • Manage

  • Add question

Click the Plus button left of the question name and a pop-up will show you a list with additional questions that you can choose from. Select the question that you need, and click the "Add question" button.

You can also offer your customers the ability to skip questions at their discretion, for this you need to leave the "Mandatory questions" checkbox unchecked.

In this case, when they pass the survey, they will be able to skip the questions they don't want by clicking the Skip button.

In the next chapter, we will cover additional question types in detail.

Additional questions type

There are three types of additional survey questions:

  • Rating

  • Multiple options

  • Open-ended

Let's dive into the detail and understand what each question type could be used for.

Additional rating question

The additional rating question is similar to the "Main rating" question, but it represents an opportunity to collect more quantitative data about other processes or products in your company, especially since you can choose different types of ratings:

  • NPS

  • CSAT

  • CES

  • 5-STAR



Additional multiple options question

The multiple-options question allows you to show the respondent up to 10 response options they can choose from.

By default, your customers can choose just one option out of those shown on the page, if you however want to give them the ability to choose multiple options you can enable them to do so by selecting the "Select multiple options" checkbox from the Layout settings of this questions

By default, the question includes only three options, but you can click the [+] icon to add a new option or click the [x] icon to remove one.

NOTE: You can keep removing options until you are left with only two, which is the minimum required. Two-option questions are ideal for YES/NO type of questions.

There's also a discrete settings menu on the left edge of the main options question that gives you the possibility to automatically convert the option selected by respondents into topics and apply them to survey responses. This is a handy way to have your feedback automatically categorized, and you can learn more about it here.

Additional open-ended question

This question is almost identical to the "Main open-ended" question, with a couple of differences:

  • This question lacks the "Change rating" menu option, which is present on the "Main open-ended" question and gives respondents the possibility to change the rating they left on the "Main rating" question.

  • This question also lacks the "Consent checkbox" option, which is present on the "Main open-ended" question.

Other than that, you can add more open-ended questions to collect qualitative feedback about other topics of interest to you.

Remove survey questions

To remove one or more survey questions, you will need to access the meatball menu from the right side of the question.

Next, click on the "Delete question" option. In order to save the changes, don't forget to click the "Save and return" button.

View answers to additional questions

All your survey responses are stored on the Feedback page.

Each response is encased in a widget, which shows the answers in the following order:

  1. Main rating question answer

  2. Main open-ended question answer (disregarding if this question was the last one in your template with multiple questions)

  3. Additional question 1

  4. Additional question 2, etc.

One more important technical aspect worth mentioning is that if you remove the "Main open-ended" question from the survey template and one or more additional open-ended questions to it, then in the feedback widget, the first additional open-ended question from the template will be considered and displayed as the "Main open-ended" question.

For example, let's assume that your template has the following questions:

  1. Main rating

  2. Additional multiple options

  3. Additional open-ended 1

  4. Additional rating 1

  5. Additional open-ended 2

  6. Additional rating 2

Then the results in the feedback widget will be displayed in this order:

  1. Main rating

  2. Additional open-ended 1

  3. Additional multiple options

  4. Additional rating 1

  5. Additional open-ended 2

  6. Additional rating 2

Other options for survey questions

In Retently you can have only one Main Open-Ended question and one Main Rating question and although the Main Rating one is dependent on the metric you've chosen and has to be the first question the Main Open Ended has way more flexibility. Here are just a few things you can do with it:

  • Rearrange it - it can be either your second question or your third, just drag and drop it to the right place;

  • Name it - survey questions have a default title such as "Rating (CSAT)", "Open-ended", or "Multiple options". And it's all good until you have a survey template with ten questions, and all of them are named "Rating (CSAT)", so go ahead and name your question;

  • Reassign the Main Open-Ended Question - as the main open-ended question is the one being populated in your integrations, you might need a different field in HubSpot or Salesforce than the one assigned by default, so you can just change the main open-ended question by clicking on the meatball menu and clicking "Mark as main open-ended"

If you have any questions or need help with managing your survey template questions, let us know!

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