The native HubSpot integration allows you to export survey data from Retently to your HubSpot workspace as contact or account properties or as a contact note.
Manage the survey data export
The HubSpot data export is managed granularly per survey campaign. This means that you get to choose specifically what survey campaign will be able to export collected survey results to HubSpot.
To get started, go to the Campaigns page and access one of your existing campaigns. Next, go to the "Export" section in your campaign, and click the OFF toggle next to HubSpot:
You will then be redirected to your HubSpot account, where you'll be asked to choose what HubSpot workspace you would like to connect to Retently.
After selecting the needed workspace, you will be redirected to the campaign's "Export" section in a few moments, and you should notice that the HubSpot toggle is not set to ON. By default, all options are selected, but you can remove the checkmark to the fields that you don't want to export to HubSpot.
After configuring your export and saving the campaign settings, every time you will receive a new survey response in this campaign, the integration will automatically export the selected fields to HubSpot.
The integration can export the following data:
Response rating: Export the answer to the Main Rating question as a contact property in HubSpot.
Response button label: Export the answer as a button label to the Main Rating question as a contact property in HubSpot.
Response category: Export the respondent's category (Promoter, Passive, or Detractor) as a contact property in HubSpot.
Response text feedback: Export the comment left to the Main Open-ended question as a contact property in HubSpot.
Last survey response date: Export the date of the last received response as a contact property in HubSpot.
Last survey sent date: Export the date of the last survey sent as a contact property in HubSpot.
Response as a note: Automatically generate a note with the survey response details and add it to the contact's profile in HubSpot.
Retently profile link: Export the survey respondent's Retently profile link as a contact property in HubSpot.
Account CX score: Export the survey respondent's Account CX score (NPS, CSAT, or CES) as a company property in HubSpot. The respondent's Retently Account and HubSpot company records will be matched based on their domain.
NOTE: If the customer answers another survey, the data in these fields will update automatically to display the latest survey data. Except for the notes, as they are not updated. Instead, a new note will be created with the new response.
Survey data in contact properties
The integration will automatically create the HubSpot properties that will host the survey data. The properties should be displayed in the left sidebar.
However, if you can't find them there, then you will need to go to your Properties management page, find all Retently properties, and add to view the ones that you need.
Survey data in company properties
If you've selected the "Account CX" option, a compiled NPS, CSAT, or CES score will be sent to HubSpot and added as company property. The integration will automatically create the company properties, which should be displayed in the left sidebar.
However, if you can't find them there, you will need to go to your Properties management page, find all Retently properties, and add the ones you need.
Survey data, as HubSpot notes
Along with the properties, our app will also create a new note in the customer's HubSpot profile every time they answer a survey. The notes are ideal for storing and viewing past survey responses in HubSpot.
You can access survey notes in the "Notes" section in a contact's HubSpot profile, or in the "Activity" field.
A survey note includes the following details:
Response date.
Survey campaign name.
Survey score.
Survey feedback.
Supported metrics
The integration's export feature supports all survey metrics (NPS, 5-STAR, CSAT, CES).
Each metric has a different rating scale, and the categories of respondents will also differ.
NPS (0 - 10 scale)
Rating of 0 to 6 = Detractor
Rating of 7 or 8 = Passive
Rating of 9 or 10 = Promoter
5-STAR (1 - 5 scale)
Rating of 1 or 2 = Negative
Rating of 3 = Neutral
Rating of 4 or 5 = Positive
CSAT (1 -5 scale)
Rating of 1 or 2 = Unsatisfied
Rating of 3 = Neutral
Rating of 4 or 5 = Satisfied
CES (1 - 7 scale)
Rating of 1 to 3 = Negative
Rating of 4 = Neutral
Rating of 5 to 7 = Positive
IMPORTANT: CSAT and CES survey templates allow you to replace the numbers in the rating buttons with custom text. When the survey data is exported to the integration, the text will be converted back to the corresponding number of the button.