On the Accounts page, you can see an automatically-generated list of your audience's companies.
Each company record will display a survey score for each metric you're tracking in your account. Clicking the name of a company will give you access to its profile, where you can see some basic details about the organization, all related domains (aliases), survey scores, and tags.
Accounts list
The Companies page will display a list with all your contacts' companies, along with survey Accounts computed based on the survey responses provided by all contacts in each company.
Company profile
Each company has a personal profile page that you can access by clicking the name of a company from the Accounts page.
Add or exclude companies
In this article, we will cover how companies are added or excluded from the Accounts page.
Edit a company's details
When needed, you can edit a particular company's details. You can access the company edit menu from the actions menu on the Company page, or from the actions menu in a company's profile.
Merge two companies
Two or more companies can be merged into a single company, which will unify their audience and survey scores.
Add or remove contacts from companies
In this article, we will cover how you can add a contact to a particular company, or remove contacts from assigned companies, automatically or manually.
Manage company tags
You can assign tags to companies for segmentation and easier data analysis.
You can manage tags individually per company or in bulk.
Primary and alias domains
A company can have one primary and multiple alias domains. In this article, we will discuss the differences between them.