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How to activate email notifications?
Alex Bitca avatar
Written by Alex Bitca
Updated over 3 years ago

Notifications help you keep track of responses from your customers and your NPS score right from your inbox. You can choose to be notified with real-time notifications for each new customer or receive daily/weekly reports on your NPS situation.

You might also want to check our Slack integration, which functions the same way by sending you notifications in a certain Slack channel.

In order to learn how to create a notification, follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to Campaigns page.

  2. Click to edit a campaign you want to receive notifications for. 

  3. Go to the Notifications tab in the campaign editor.

  4. By default, you should have two three notifications already created for this specific campaign. You can either edit one of them or create a new notification.

  5. Once you open the notification editor window, choose the event type you want to be notified about: Promoters, Detractors, Passives or Custom score. You can check multiple options.

  6. The next step is to set when you want to be notified. You can choose the Immediate option to receive notification real-time, or daily/weekly notifications which will send you an overview of all your activity for this period of time.

  7. The last step is to adjust the How would you like to be notified section. Choose the Send an email to option and click the drop-down menu and choose your email address. You can also add other email addresses as well.

  8. Click the Create/Save notification button.

  9. Finally, make sure that the notification is enabled. 

  10. Keep in mind that enabled notifications will still work even if the campaign is paused. This is a handy feature to keep you updated with your NPS progress when you send surveys manually.

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