About the Contacts page
The Contacts page stores all the customers that you have imported to your account. On this page you can apply filters to view particular segments of your audience, you can manage customer attributes, or send them a manual survey, and you can view some general information for each of your customers.
Customer attributes filter
By default, the Contacts page will display all your customers. If you need to filter the records and view a specific subset of your audience, you can apply additional filters.
Quick filters
The quick filters bar will display stats for all the customers that you have in your account. It's also directly related to the customer attributes filter, which means that when you apply a filter, the data in the quick filters bar will adjust to display the stats based on the customer segment that is currently displayed.
Manage saved filters
Over time you will find yourself using some filters more often than others. However, applying the same filter again and again manually might inconvenient. Therefore, you can easily save a filter for easier further access.
Customer records
The main part of the Contacts page is the grid with your customers' records. The grid will adjust and display data based on the applied filters.
Each row displays a customer's personal info, their assigned attributes, the status of the last received survey, their next survey schedule, and it also includes an actions menu.
Individual and bulk actions
On the Contacts page, you can perform such actions as sending email surveys manually, managing customer attributes, and more. You can perform an action individually, per customer, or you can select multiple customers and perform actions in bulk.
Send email surveys manually
You can select one or more customers to send them a one-time manual email survey. When sending a manual survey you will be asked to select a campaign so that our system knows what survey template should the customer receive and where should it record their feedback.
NOTE: You can also send surveys using the individual or bulk actions menu.
Export audience data
When needed, you can export all your customers or, if you have applied a particular filter, only those that have been filtered.
The exported file is in CSV format. It includes your customers' general information, their assigned attributes, their statuses (unsubscribed, bounced, etc), and their last survey response.